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F67 ELAN Bespoke Training 1-on-1

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Event Information

Dates of Event
25th March 2016 – 7th March 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
7th March 2025


ELAN Bespoke Training 1-on-1:

DCAL is pleased to offer 1-on-1 training in use of the multimedia annotation tool ELAN (https://tla.mpi.nl/tools/tla-tools/elan/). Training is provided by a member of the BSL Corpus team (http://www.bslcorpusproject.org/team/), in British Sign Language (BSL) or English. Note: costs here are for 1-on-1 training, delivered at DCAL. ASL/English or IS/English interpreting can be provided at extra cost; please contact us for a quote. If you are interested in bespoke training for a group, and/or bespoke training online via Skype – again, please contact us for a quote.

If you have video and/or audio data that you want to learn how to transcribe/annotate in ELAN from scratch, we recommend either the Quick Introduction to learn the basics or Detailed Introduction where we work with you and your own data. If you have video and/or audio data and also a separate text transcript that you would like to import and time-align, we recommend the Detailed Introduction. 

For additional options you will need to click on the more information tab above.




Attendee CategoryCost   
2-hour Quick Introduction (Using DCAL Sample Data).£100.00[Read More]
4-hour Detailed Introduction.£200.00[Read More]
Other More Advanced Topics.£50.00[Read More]

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