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F82 Injured Brains of Medical Minds: Views From Within (Online Conference)

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Event Information

Injured Brains of Medical Minds
Date of Event
15th November 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
14th November 2024


Supported by UCL Centre for Neurorehabilitation.


The conference programme can be found under the ‘More Info’ tab.


The conference is based on the second edition of the best-selling 1997 first edition of Injured Brains of Medical Minds. The aim of the book and the conference is to provide information that improves patient care, provides practical guidance to healthcare professionals, and offers insights into the workings of the human brain.


Registration for this event is free, however, if you would like to make a voluntary donation to the Dr Karen Woo International Award, you can do so here (donations are not required in order to attend the event): https://aoc.ucl.ac.uk/alumni/donations-gbp-single?id=d4c7db9e-dfe3-47f6-9f4c-9ee8c8006fe4


More information about the Dr Karen Woo International Award can be found here: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/medical-school/alumni/dr-karen-woo-international-award

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