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F60 MMM Hub Conference & User Meeting 2024

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Event Information

MMM Hub Conference 2023
Dates of Event
29th October 2024 – 31st October 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
6th October 2024


The annual Materials & Molecular Modelling (MMM) Hub Conference and User Meeting will bring together leading researchers from the UK materials and molecular modelling community and beyond. Through a mix of invited and contributed talks, flash talks and posters, the meeting will highlight the high-calibre scientific throughput produced across the MMM Hub’s partner community and beyond, highlighting particularly the contribution of modern HPC resources (including the MMM Hub’s 'Young'), enabling these advances.  It will provide an excellent opportunity for researchers at all levels to learn how simulation at the atomic scale is addressing challenges to society and industry, showcasing the most recent results, alongside discussion in emerging computing trends and how this impacts materials scientists.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard Registration Plus Conference Dinner..£150.00[Read More]

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