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Centre for Post-14 Research and Innovation (K35)

The Centre for Post-14 Research and Innovation was formed in 2007, building on the work of the Post-14 Regional Network, part of UCL Institute of Education's wider work on FE@IOE and Learning for London@IOE (LfL@IOE). The centre aims to support 'the creation of an inclusive and high-performing post-14 education and training system in England based on independent research and dialogue between practitioner, policy and researcher communities'.

Members of the centre have been working with national, regional and local bodies, providers and key stakeholders in post-14 education and training. Key focuses are on:

  • curriculum and qualifications;
  • partnerships and institutional collaboration;
  • vocational pedagogy and assessment;
  • collaborative quality assurance systems;
  • 14+ learner participation, progression and transition;
  • management and professionalism in the learning and skills system;
  • vocational education and training.

The centre undertakes a wide range of research and consultancy activities and provides access to high quality networks and events, as well as flexible opportunities for accredited learning from diploma to doctorate levels.

The centre also works collaboratively with a wide range of internal and external partner bodies and organisations, in addition to contributing significantly to both FE@IOE and Learning for London @ IOE.

Centre for Post-14 Research and Innovation (K35)

K35 14-19 Alliance Membership

K35 14-19 Alliance Membership


14-19 Alliance

This is an education policy discussion group that involves a wide range of education and civil society organisations that are close to policy formation.  It meets six times annually. Membership is by invitation only.  It is co-chaired by Dr Lynne Rogers and Professor Ken Spours. Please contact Paul Grainger on p.grainger@ucl.ac.uk

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