Division of Biosciences (D09)The Division of Biosciences at UCL is one of the world's foremost centres for research and teaching in the biological sciences. We have an outstanding international reputation and a community of over 500 staff and 300 PhD students engaged in cutting edge research and collaboration. Our research interests span all biological scales from molecules to cells, tissues, organisms and populations. The Division's composed of four main research departments, incorporating centres, institutes, and shared resources with affiliated divisions. Cell and Developmental Biology- UCL Centre for Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine Genetics, Evolution and Environment- UCL Genetics Institute Neuroscience, Physiology and PharmacologyStructural and Molecular Biology- UCL and Birkbeck Institute for Structural and Molecular Biology FOR ALL QUERIES PLEASE USE THE CONTACT TABS FOUND IN EACH OF THE INDIVIDUAL COURSES/CONFERENCES AND PRODUCTS, PLEASE ONLY CONTACT THE ONLINE STORE DIRECTLY IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PAYMENT DIFFICULTIES Division of Biosciences (D09)D09 Data Handling & Machine LearningDescriptionData Handling and Machine Learning.
D09 Antibodies: Sequence, Structure & Designing Therapeutics 2nd June 2025DescriptionOn this two-day course you'll learn about all the steps in designing antibody therapeutics, from bioinformatics research to drug design and patient trials.
D09 Lab Techniques in Mammalian Cell Biology 2025DescriptionThis three-day laboratory based short course provides up-to-date cell biology techniques. It gives young researchers in life sciences and medicine a framework for further research and experimentation. https://www.ucl.ac.uk/biosciences/study/short-courses/lab-techniques-mammalian-cell-biology