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International Literacy Centre (K87)

International Literacy Centre (K87)

K32 Quality Mark Accreditation

K32 Quality Mark Accreditation


Excellence in Literacy Quality Mark application and accreditation:

Includes review of self-evaluation, report to school, visit to school, final report to accreditation panel and use of quality mark logo.  The accreditation is valid for 3 years.

The Excellence in Literacy Quality Mark from the Institute of Education is designed to help schools improve the quality of literacy provision and literacy outcomes for all children.  Achieving the Excellence in Literacy quality mark indicates that a school is doing everything possible to foster literacy development.

There are five stages to the process for applying and verifying an award for the Excellence in Literacy Quality Mark:

Stage 1: School self-evaluation

Stage 2: Desktop review of school self-evaluation and evidence by assessor, with feedback

Stage 3: Verification visit from appointed assessor

Stage 4: Final report to school from the assessor

Stage 5: Award panel reviews both school self-evaluation and verification report and accredits schools to be awarded the quality mark

'Verification of the award will take place at the end of  each term.

Deadline for sending self evaluations with supporting evidence:

4th October for verification by the end of the autumn term

28th January for verification by the end of the spring term

5th May for verification at the end of the summer term

For all queries relating to this product please contact the following:


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