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UCL Institute of Neurology (D07)


The Institute of Neurology was established in 1950, merged with UCL in 1997, and is a key component of the Faculty of Brain Sciences at UCL. The Institute has eight academic Departments, which encompass clinical and basic research within each theme. In parallel, there are currently six Divisions representing professional affiliations.




UCL Institute of Neurology (D07)


D07 Statistical Parametric Mapping For MEG/EEG 2025


The course will provide a detailed introduction to the analysis of EEG and MEG data. The first three days will combine theoretical presentations with practical demonstrations of the data analysis methods implemented in SPM. On the last day participants will have the opportunity to work on SPM tutorial data sets under the supervision of the course faculty. We also invite students to bring their own data for analysis.


The course is suitable for both beginners and more advanced users. We advise students to gain at least some minimal familiarity with the methodology, for example, by watching the course lectures from previous years at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jDGTJrX8W1Y&list=PLRy9lLgsfh6eE3KypoHU0pMK0RaV-rhOd  or by scanning through Litvak et al. (2011) ‘EEG and MEG data analysis in SPM8’, Comput Intell Neurosci 2011:852961."


Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard Rate.£150.00[Read More]
Neurology 2018

D07 Neurology 2025: Leading Edge Neurology For the Practising Clinician.


This two-day course (run by the UCL Queen Square Institute of Neurology) is designed for consultants and trainees at all levels in neurology and other neuroscience specialties, from the UK, Europe and worldwide, and aims to provide a practical update on the hospital management of neurological diseases. The focus of the course is on everyday neurological practice which will include lectures and a neuroimaging quiz. Refreshments and hot lunch provided. The course will be didactic, but also entertaining and informative.


If you are having difficulties in booking this course please contact us on the following :-



Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Consultant & Associate Specialists For 2 Days.£100.00[Read More]
2) Clinical Trainees & Research Fellows For 2 Days.£60.00[Read More]
3) UCL/UCLH Staff For 2 Days.£60.00[Read More]
4) Students For 2 Days.£40.00[Read More]
Queen Square

D07 Final Year Electives for Medical Students


The Institute of Neurology offers a limited number of undergraduate Elective placements, to final year medical students from the UK and abroad, which are booking at least 18 months in advance. These placements are not strictly structured - it is advisable to be as pro-active as possible. It is up to the individual student to choose the activities they wish to attend, within their assigned clinical group/formal teaching programme, which would most benefit them during their placement.  


Attendee CategoryCost   
A) Elective 1.£220.00[Read More]
B) Elective 2.£440.00[Read More]
C) Elective 3.£660.00[Read More]
E) Elective 4.£880.00[Read More]
F) Elective 5.£1100.00[Read More]
G) Elective 6.£1320.00[Read More]
H) Elective 7.£1540.00[Read More]
I) Elective 8.£1760.00[Read More]
J) Elective 9.£1980.00[Read More]
K) Elective 10.£2200.00[Read More]
L) Elective 11.£2420.00[Read More]
M) Elective 12.£2640.00[Read More]
N) Elective 13.£2860.00[Read More]
O) Elective 14.£3080.00[Read More]
P) Elective 15.£3300.00[Read More]
Q) Elective 16.£3520.00[Read More]
The Hot Brain

D07 The Hot Brain 3 - Climate Change & Brain Health


Climate change continues to worsen: 2024 has been declared the hottest year on record. People with neurological disease are likely to be amongst those affected first and most severely. The incidence of some neurological diseases is likely to rise, whilst healthcare systems will become increasingly compromised in providing care for people affected. Newer aspects of climate change impacts are emerging, and raising new concerns. Climate change is already impacting the professional lives of healthcare providers and scientists. Even if greenhouse gas emissions are stopped today, there will still be further rises in global temperatures, with all their accompanying consequences. We need to act now to preserve brain health and plan for this changing environment.

Following on from successful meetings in 2023 and 2024, the aims of this year’s meeting are to raise awareness about the risks of climate change for the brain and neurological healthcare, to nurture global collaborative research, and to promote action against climate change and foster adaptation strategies.

The meeting is jointly organised by UCL and The Lancet Neurology.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Free Event.£0.00[Read More]
21st Neuroradiology & Functional Neuroanatomy Course

D07 21st Neuroradiology & Functional Neuroanatomy Course 2025


This renowned Neuroradiology & Functional Neuroanatomy course is running its 21st year.


This four-day course, organised by Prof Tarek Yousry (UCL Institute of Neurology & National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery), Prof Christopher Yeo (University College of London) and Prof Thomas Naidich (Mount Sinai New York), will consist of Lectures, Anatomy and PACS Workshops.


This course will correlate gross anatomy with neuroimaging and functional MRI to illustrate normal neurological function, the alterations that attend disease, and the bases for the clinical features seen in patients.

Attendee CategoryCost   
A) Consultants.£780.00[Read More]
B) Consultants ESNR/SNR.£730.00[Read More]
C) Registrars/Trainees/Residents/Postdocs.£700.00[Read More]
D) Registrars/Trainees/Residents/Postdocs ESNR.£650.00[Read More]
E) Registrars/Trainees/Residents/Postdocs SNR.£650.00[Read More]
F) Full Time University Student (BSc/MSc/PhD).£320.00[Read More]

D07 UCL Dystonia Day Symposium


Dystonia is the third most common movement disorder. It is characterised by involuntary sustained or transient muscle contractions across body regions, which cause painful and debilitating changes in posture and movement control. Despite decades of research, the fundamental patho-mechanisms driving dystonic movements remain mysterious. The UCL Dystonia Day Symposium seeks to bring basic and clinical researchers together to address this critical question. The Symposium will showcase cutting-edge research from early career researchers investigating dystonia in cellular and animal models, and in human patients. We will provide an open Panel discussion with established leaders in the field, centred on current knowledge gaps and controversies in the field, and opportunities to present poster-based overviews of research from dystonia-focused laboratories. By creating a forum to share ideas and challenge existing paradigms, we hope that this Symposium will yield new collaborations that will help to advance the understanding and treatment of dystonia.    


Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard.£75.00[Read More]
Statistical Mapping

D07 Statistical Parametric Mapping For fMRI & MRI/VBM April 2025


This three-day course introduces the analysis of neuroimaging data, including Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) and functional MRI (fMRI). It covers: 

Experimental design

Pre-processing brain images

Quantifying structural changes in the brain (Voxel-Based Morphometry, VBM)

Quantifying brain function (using the General Linear Model, GLM)

Statistics for neuroimaging (frequentist and Bayesian)

Connectivity analysis (Dynamic Causal Modelling, DCM)

The course will be divided into theoretical and practical sessions, in which the SPM software package will be used to analyse exemplar data sets. The SPM course is taught by an international faculty of neuroimaging experts from the Department of Imaging Neuroscience, including the Functional Imaging Laboratory, and collaborators.

The course is suitable for beginners and more advanced users.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard.£600.00[Read More]
Students.£400.00[Read More]

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