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Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology (D65)






Institute of Clinical Trials and Methodology (D65)


D65 GMP For IMPs 2024


This course covers the basics of clinical research and the differences in GMP requirements between commercial medicinal product and Investigational Medicinal Product.


Lack of understanding of the implications of GMP for the management of clinical trial sites can lead to audit and inspection findings. This course aims to provide delegates with:


  1. An understanding of GMP requirements
  2. Practical guidelines for ensuring GMP is followed at site


This course is free for staff from Units within ICTM (CRUK-CTC, CCTU, MRC CTU at UCL and PRIMENT) although places are limited. Places on this course are limited, If demand exceeds the number of places, places will be awarded to those who the course presenters believe will benefit most from the course. Fees are based on the attendee's organisation as follows:

£193 Lower Middle Income Countries (LMIC)

£385 UCL staff, Students & Alumni

£462 External delegates


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) ICTM Staff.£0.00[Read More]
2) LMIC Free Place.£0.00[Read More]
3) Lower Middle Income Countries (LMIC).£193.00[Read More]
4) UCL Staff, Students, Alumni.£385.00[Read More]
5) External Delegates (Non UCL).£462.00[Read More]
Clinical Trials of Methodology

D65 Stats & Practical Aspects of the Design/Analysis of Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Platform Trials 2024


Statistical & Practical Aspects of the Design/Analysis of Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Platform Trials.


This half-day workshop consists of two main sessions. The first session of the workshop provides an overview of the design issues involved in MAMS platform protocols. The second session focuses on the implementation of the statistical aspects of such trials and provides guidelines on the design and analysis of such trials. It will also explore further design issues such as adding new research arms, and designs in which research arms are ranked and selectively chosen to continue.


Please note that this course is Online via Zoom.


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) ICTM Staff.£0.00[Read More]
2) LMIC Free Place.£0.00[Read More]
3) UCL Staff, Students, Alumni.£214.00[Read More]
4) Lower Middle Income Countries (LMIC).£107.00[Read More]
5) External Delegates (Non UCL).£257.00[Read More]

D65 Practical Use of Multiple Imputation to Handle Missing Data in Stata 2025


Our aim in this course is to provide participants with the ability to analyse their own data using multiple imputation, but also to be aware of the pitfalls and limitations of the technique.


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) ICTM Staff.£0.00[Read More]
2) LMIC Free Place.£0.00[Read More]
3) Lower Middle Income Countries (LMIC).£185.00[Read More]
4) Academic & Students.£370.00[Read More]
5) External Not For Profit Organisations.£370.00[Read More]
6) External For Profit Organisations.£444.00[Read More]

D65 Training Course: An Introduction to Design & Analysis of Clinical Trials 041124


Training Course: An Introduction to Design & Analysis of Clinical Trials: Statistics for Non-Statisticians.

This four-day course will provide an introduction to the principles and application of statistics in the randomised controlled trial (RCT) environment. It will explain what's important and why and enable understanding of statistical methods and analyses in RCTs.


Intended audience

Non-statisticians working in clinical trials who only have a basic level of statistical knowledge at present and wish to be more familiar with the meanings of common statistical terms used in clinical trials and the interpretation of results. Generally this course is aimed at people with less than 3 years' experience in a Clinical Trials setting, although all applicants are welcome.


This course is free for staff from Units within ICTM (CRUK-CTC, CCTU, MRC CTU at UCL and PRIMENT) although places are limited. Places on this course are limited, If demand exceeds the number of places, places will be awarded to those who the course presenters believe will benefit most from the course.Fees are based on the attendee's organisation as follows:


£135 for attendees from Low Middle Income Countries (LMIC)

£259 Academic

£338 For-profit organisations


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) ICTM Staff.£0.00[Read More]
2) LMIC Free Place.£0.00[Read More]
3) Lower Middle Income Countries (LMIC).£135.00[Read More]
4) Academic.£259.00[Read More]
5) Attendees From Not For Profit Organisations.£259.00[Read More]
6) Attendees From For Profit Organisations.£338.00[Read More]
Clinical Trials

D65 Training Course: Public & Patient Involvement in Clinical Trials 04/12/2024


This course is a practical, interactive workshop for those working in clinical trials who wish to or who already actively involve patients or the public in their trials. It offers participants the opportunity to:

  • build an understanding of PPI in health research and specifically in clinical trials;
  • begin involving patients and public in their research, and/or develop their involvement activities in a meaningful manner; and learn from other participants about what works in specific contexts.


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) ICTM Staff.£0.00[Read More]
2) Free Lower Middle Income Countries (LMIC).£0.00[Read More]
3) Lower Middle Income Countries (LMIC).£161.00[Read More]
4) Academic.£323.00[Read More]
5) Attendees From Not for Profit Organisations.£387.00[Read More]
6) Attendees From For Profit Organisations.£387.00[Read More]

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