Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering (F44)![]() UCL Civil, Environmental & Geomatic Engineering is a multidisciplinary department with a long tradition of excellence in teaching and research. We currently hold a substantial EPSRC research portfolio in civil engineering, with research projects and centres that link to industry leaders and reflect a broad multidisciplinary view of the engineering world. FOR ALL QUERIES PLEASE USE THE CONTACT TABS FOUND IN EACH OF THE INDIVIDUAL COURSES/CONFERENCES AND PRODUCTS, PLEASE ONLY CONTACT THE ONLINE STORE DIRECTLY IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PAYMENT DIFFICULTIES. F44 CEGE Poster PrintingDescriptionThis service is only available to members of the Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering. Please email your poster file to [email protected] and bring a print-out of your receipt when you come to collect the physical poster. Please allow at least a week for printing.
For all queries in regards to this product please contact :- Cerine Yudin Tel: (0)20 7679 7819 E-Mail: [email protected]