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Bartlett School Planning (F39)

Bartlett School Planning (F39)

F39 Bartlett School of Planning Quarter Zip Jacket

F39 Bartlett School of Planning Quarter Zip Jacket


Purchase your Bartlett School of Planning Merchandise designed by BSP Third Year student Louise Oswald! 

Louise's winning design features Central House, our departmental home while encapsulating some of the key urbanists that frame our study.  The design features Hall, a fundamental part of the history of BSP, and others such as Howard, Abercrombie, Le Corbusier and Jacobs. 

Please note that all merchandise must be collected from BUPS committee members in person and deliveries are not available. 

For all queries in regards to this product please contact the following :-

Adey Shallow a.shallow@ucl.ac.uk

Rebecca Koh (BUPS President) rebecca.koh@ucl.ac.uk

Or DM BUPS Instagram@uclbartlettups

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F39 UCL Community Choir 2025



UCL Community Choir.
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