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UCL School of Management (F49)

UCL School of Management (F49)

Executive Education

F49 Artificial Intelligence for Business October 2024


AI is impacting upon organisations and society with many industries undergoing fundamental change as a result. This executive education programme will give participants an understanding of the AI landscape and how it’s impacting contemporary business practices, and will equip leaners with the skills necessary to operate in this changing business environment.


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Standard Rate.£2400.00[Read More]
2) UCL Staff.£1200.00[Read More]
3) UCL School of Management Alumni.£1200.00[Read More]
4) Non-Profit.£1200.00[Read More]
5) UCL Alumni.£1800.00[Read More]
6) Friends of The School/30% Club.£1680.00[Read More]
7) Bulk Corporate, 2-6 Places.£2280.00[Read More]
8) Bulk Corporate, 6-10 Places.£2160.00[Read More]
Executive Education

F49 Executive Negotiations October 2024


The Executive Negotiations programme is designed for mid-to senior level management who wish to study a dynamic and engaging negotiations course. The world of business is getting more competitive and for leaders to succeed they need to understand how to not only claim value in relationships but better still how to grow value for relationships.

Participants will benefit from learning a framework of how to successfully prepare, approach, structure and execute negotiations successfully through a combination of cutting-edge research on the subject and hands-on case studies. There is quite a bit of science behind structuring negotiations but also a good bit of art in executing them to success. This course provides a foundation for understanding the science behind the art with experiential opportunities to practice the dynamic interplay of this critical business and life skill.


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Standard.£3250.00[Read More]
2) UCL Staff.£1625.00[Read More]
3) UCL School of Management Alumni.£1625.00[Read More]
4) Non-Profit.£1625.00[Read More]
5) UCL Alumni.£2437.50[Read More]
6) Friends of the School/30% Club.£2726.50[Read More]
7) Bulk Corporate: 2-5 Places.£3087.50[Read More]
8) Bulk Corporate: 6-10 Places.£2925.00[Read More]
9) Deposit.£720.00[Read More]
Executive Education

F49 The Future of Work: Leading With Inspiration & Purpose December 2024


We are on the verge of a seismic shift in our world of work.  Why we toil, the employer-employee social contract, leadership, careers, and the nature of capitalism itself are changing before our eyes in ways at least as significant as what humanity experienced in the early days of the Industrial Revolution.  If we understand the youngest generations in the workforce and their paradigms, then we will gain profound insight into the future of work, leadership and organisational life.  We will explore how you might lead for this future with inspiration and purpose, starting with the individual, then the team, then the organisation.   


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Standard.£4100.00[Read More]
2) UCL Staff.£2050.00[Read More]
3) UCL School of Management Alumni.£2050.00[Read More]
4) Non-Profit.£2050.00[Read More]
5) UCL Alumni.£3075.00[Read More]
6) Friends of the School/30% Club.£3485.00[Read More]
7) Bulk Corporate: 2-6 Places.£3895.00[Read More]
8) Bulk Corporate: 6-10 Places.£3690.00[Read More]

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