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Electronic and Electrical Engineering (F46)

The Department is one of the leading departments in its subject area, worldwide, and of departments that submitted all of their academic research staff for assessment in the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF), UCL was ranked as one of the leading department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering in the UK.

We continue to push in new directions in both research and teaching, building on our long-established links with industry. We are a major contributor to the London Centre for Nanotechnology, one of the first Electronic Engineering departments in the UK to introduce Problem Based Learning into our undergraduate courses, and an innovator in postgraduate training with specialist programmes such as the sector leading MSc in Telecommunications with Business and a two year Masters programme with a year in industry in partnership with Cisco.

The Department leads the EPSRC funded Centres for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Integrated Photonic and Electronic Systems (IPES) and Photonic Systems Development, both joint centres with the University of Cambridge. Other CDTs that EEE academics are involved in are the Imperial-UCL CDT in Advanced Characterisation of Materials and the UCL CDT in Developing Quantum Technologies.

We are proud of our heritage as the first Electrical Engineering department in England and our ethos of constant development and innovation continues a tradition inspired by our first Head of Department, Professor Sir Ambrose Fleming, inventor of the thermionic valve and hence the founder of the discipline of electronics.

Electronic and Electrical Engineering (F46)


F46 Organisational Design, People and Innovation Management


This five-day course/module will address the principles of organisational design and the management of people as a resourse within a set of effective processes. Its context is the modern global telecomms industry.

StartEndPlaces LeftCourse Fee 
17/03/202521/03/20250£2500.00[Read More]

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