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J82 Leading Into The Future Connecting Research Policy & Practice

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Event Information

Leading Into The Future
Dates of Event
11th November 2024 – 12th November 2024
Last Booking Date for this Event
7th November 2024


This year the main theme of the conference is Successful School Leadership for Sustainable Development in recognition of the centrality of school leadership in achieving quality education for all students (Sustainable Development Goal 4) and in connecting SDGs to the day-to-day work and lives of schools.


Key conference speakers include:

Professor Aaron Benevot, The State University of New York at Albany, Director of the Global Education Monitoring Report, UNESCO, Professor Sir George Berwick, Visiting Professor at UCL, Professor Sir Kevan Collins, Former Chief Executive of Education Endowment Foundation and Visiting Professor at UCL, Professor Qing Gu, UCL, Professor David Gurr, The University of Melbourne, Professor Gemma Moss, UCL, Professor Louise Stoll, UCL and several prominent school principals from England.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Standard Registration.£50.00[Read More]
2) Delivery Partner.£50.00[Read More]
4) Invited Delivery Partner.£0.00[Read More]
5) Invited Speakers & Staff.£0.00[Read More]
7) UCL CEL Staff.£0.00[Read More]
8) Additional.£78.00[Read More]

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