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F67 Licence for 10 tokens for use in purchasing tests within the DCALPortal.org




Licence granting 10 tokens for use in purchasing tests within the DCAL Online Assessment Portal.

Please note that for the majority of the tests available on the DCAL portal 10 tokens will grant you 1 use of a test. However, the AAB and CST test require 20 tokens per use (therefore, you will have to purchase the 10 token option twice for one use of the test) and the CDI test requires 5 tokens per use (meaning you will get 2 uses of the test with this option).

PLEASE NOTE. This licence can only be used by qualified professionals and researchers who are already registered to access the DCAL Portal. Unregistered users should visit https://dcalportal.org/signup to sign up.

Once purchased, the licence will be awarded to the registered user and licence granting 10 tokens for use in purchasing tests within the DCAL Online Assessment Portal. If access has not been granted within 48 hours, please contact sales@dcalportal.org.


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