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F31 Excavations at Wickhurst Green, Broadbridge Heath & The Landscape of The West Central Weald

Excavations at Wickhurst Green



Extensive excavations, carried out between 2007 and 2015, uncovered important remains dating from the Mesolithic to post-medieval periods at Wickhurst Green, Broadbridge Heath, providing the first real opportunity to archaeologically explore the Weald on a landscape scale. The site was home to hunter-gatherers, Iron Age pastoralists, funerary monuments, Roman agriculture and industry. The work aims to set the results of this developer-funded site within its broader landscape context.


Detailed Description

The investigations at Wickhurst Green, Broadbridge Heath, provided the first real opportunity to archaeologically explore the Weald on a landscape scale. Carried out between 2007 and 2015, these extensive excavations uncovered important remains dating from the Mesolithic to post-medieval periods. The site was home to hunter-gatherers, Iron Age pastoralists, funerary monuments, Roman agriculture and industry. Historic remains included early medieval and later manors, mills and a deer park.


Though the central concern of this volume is to present these findings, further effort has been made to produce an updated review of the archaeology of this under-researched area. The work aims to set the results of this developer-funded site within its broader landscape context.


By utilising historic landscape analysis and landscape regression Wickhurst Green provides a case study in utilising the results of archaeological excavation to contribute to our knowledge of past landscapes. As well as providing a deep history of the Western Weald, this volume offers an extended realization of the technique of landscape regression.


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