F82 UCL Centre for Neurorehabilitation Seminar 2025Info Location Contact More Info Event Information
DescriptionRethinking the role of drawing tasks in neuropsychological assessment
Drawing is a fundamental component of cognitive assessment – since the activity relies upon a synthesis of processes, errors in graphic production can reveal impairments to a variety of functions, including perception, attention, and memory. Despite the ubiquity of drawing tasks, however, they tend to be analysed qualitatively, and their administration can be open to bias. Moreover, unlike other domains in assessment and therapy, clinical interpretation of drawing production is not usually informed by knowledge of the cognitive processes that underpin it. In this talk I will explore the forms that drawing tasks take in standard assessment practices and discuss the development of quantitative metrics. By illustrating findings from different neuropsychological conditions (including agnosia, hemispatial neglect, and constructional apraxia) I will show how an empirically-oriented approach to designing and interpreting drawing tasks can reveal more nuanced accounts of processes underlying perception and action. I will also discuss some recent findings from my laboratory that call into question the long-term validity of a widely used cognitive screen (the Montreal Cognitive Assessment).
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PLEASE ONLY CONTACT THE ONLINE STORE DIRECTLY IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS WITH YOUR DEBIT/CREDIT CARD PAYMENT, FOR ALL OTHER QUERIES RELATING TO THIS SEMINAR, INCLUDING CANCELLATIONS THESE SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE CONTACT DETAILS ABOVE. More InformationDr Alastair D. Smith is Associate Professor (Reader) and Deputy Head of the School of Psychology at the University of Plymouth. He received a BSc in Psychology from the University of Birmingham and a PhD from the University of Bristol. After holding posts at the Universities of Bristol and Nottingham, he moved to Plymouth in 2017 where he leads laboratories in Psychology and in the Brain Research and Imaging Centre (BRIC). His work focuses on the cognitive and neural foundations of human spatial abilities, and he has published research on typical and atypical function using a variety of empirical methods. His latest book “Cognition in the Real World” was published by Oxford University Press in 2023.
*In person event* The seminar will take place in person from 17:30-19:00 with no online attendance option. Please join us after the event for refreshments and networking. |