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F47 MBI: Cell & Gene Therapy Bioprocessing & Manufacture 2025

Attendee Categories

Event Information

Cell & Gene Therapy
Dates of Event
7th April 2025 – 10th April 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
2nd April 2025


This course addresses the real-world challenges of translating discoveries to the clinic in a way that is commercially viable. A series of lectures and interactive case studies will enable you to:


  • Understand the distinctions of manufacturing cells compared with biologics
  • Understand the challenges faced in advancing cell and gene therapies to clinic and the lessons learned from established companies
  • Understand the impact of design and engineering considerations on cell and gene therapy manufacture
  • Identify and define critical process parameters for different cell and gene therapy applications
  • Knowledge and application of analytical toolsets for quality measurement
  • Understand key implications to facilitate and expedite translation from laboratory to a manufacturing and clinical setting


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