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F47 MBI: Microbial Fermentation (Hands-on Course) 2025

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Event Information

Microbial Fermentation
Dates of Event
17th March 2025 – 20th March 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
13th March 2025


This hands-on course is designed to provide delegates with a practical understanding and operation of lab-scale microbial bioreactors.


The course will provide delegates opportunities to sub-culture industrially relevant strains of microbes such as E. coli and P. pastoris at different scales spanning shake flasks, a single-use Ambr® 250 high-throughput platform and a reusable 5L UniVessel.


Delegates will become familiar with standard operating procedures (SOPs) for typical microbial bioprocesses before being given the opportunity to work together to set-up and run a fermenter. Delegates will also be provided with hands-on training in aseptic technique, flask seeding and maintenance, and bioreactor sampling.


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