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H01 PIS Workshop How To Design Clear & Accessible Patient Information Sheets 080725

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Event Information

Clinical Trials
Date of Event
8th July 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
18th June 2025


Patient Information Sheets (PIS) are a key document for potential participants to make an informed decision about whether to take part in a clinical study.  While there is clear guidance from the Health Research Authority (HRA) on content and regulatory requirements, PIS are customised for each clinical trial and the specific patient population. Choosing the right language and format for patient facing materials for research studies and clinical trials still greatly varies and depends on the skills and experience of the team putting them together.


Course tutors: Linda Von Neree, Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) Lead, BRTU PPI.

Attendee CategoryCostPlace(s) Available  
Attendees From Non-Profit Organisations.£50.000

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