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Centre for Advanced Research Computing (ARC) (C75)

Centre for Advanced Research Computing (ARC) (C75)


C75 Research Software Engineering Summer Workshop


Take your scripts to the next level! 

Participate in this full week (5 day) programme to learn how to apply good software engineering practices in your research. It is run by UCL's Centre for Advanced Research Computing (ARC).


This programme is designed for participants at any career stage that wishes to improve their technical skills towards creating software that is more readable, maintainable, and reproducible. 


You will learn advanced usage of version control systems, how to test your programmes automatically, best-practice design techniques, how to create packages, and how to accelerate your programmes.


In this workshop we will use Python but the skills learnt will be applicable to any programming language.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Early Bird.£1200.00[Read More]

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