J78 Academic Network On Global Education & Learning: Annual MembershipInfo Location Attendee Categories Contact More Info Event Information
DescriptionThe Academic Network on Global Education and Learning is an international community initiative that brings together academics, researchers, policy-makers and practitioners with an interest in research on Global Education & Learning, Education for Sustainability, and Global Citizenship.
There are various categories of membership. To find out detailed information on any aspect of ANGEL membership, visit the project website. If you are applying for an institutional / organisational membership, you will be asked to name the individuals linked to your membership as part of the payment process, as well as nominating a named individual contact who will be the person responsible for the institutional membership – they will be contacted about renewal.
Event Location
Attendee Categories2) Individual: Early Career Researcher Per Year.
Additional ItemsContactFor all queries in regards to this membership please contact the following :- Kester Muller
PLEASE ONLY CONTACT THE ONLINE STORE DIRECTLY IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS WITH YOUR DEBIT/CREDIT CARD PAYMENT, FOR ALL OTHER QUERIES RELATING TO THIS MEMBERSHIP, INCLUDING CANCELLATIONS THESE SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE CONTACT DETAILS ABOVE. More InformationMembership category definitions Early career researchers are defined as individuals who are currently engaged in postgraduate level studies, either at masters or doctoral level or have completed their doctorate within the past six years.
The definition that will be used for low and middle income countries will be that used by the World Bank: https://datahelpdesk.worldbank.org/knowledgebase/articles/906519
Refunds Please contact [email protected] if you need a refund |