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F10 ICE-GB - The British Component of the International Corpus of English (Release 2) Upgrade

F10 ICE-GB - The British Component of the International Corpus of English (Release 2) Upgrade


Please note that this is for holders of the ICE-GB Release 1 license only.

A state-of-art one-million word treebank (parsed corpus) of British English, consisting of many categories of transcribed speech and writing, complete with the latest ICECUP software and help files. Developed for research and teaching.

ICE-GB contains:

  • One million words of spoken and written British English from the 1990s.
  • Tagged, parsed and checked.
  • Bundled with ICECUP 3.1 exploration software designed for parsed corpora.


ICE-GB is fully grammatically analysed. Like all the ICE corpora, ICE-GB consists of a million words of spoken and written English and adheres to the common corpus design. 200 written and 300 spoken texts make up the million words. Every text is grammatically annotated, permitting complex and detailed searches across the whole corpus. 

ICE-GB contains 83,394 parse trees, including 59,640 in the spoken part of the corpus. This is the biggest collection of parsed spoken material anywhere with the exception of DCPSE (which only contains spoken material). 

ICE-GB has been fully checked. It was checked by linguists at several stages in its completion. This means it is a better source for research than the output of parsing, where the parsers introduce a systematic bias. 

ICE-GB comes complete with ICECUP. ICECUP allows you to perform a variety of different queries, including using the parse analysis in the corpus to construct Fuzzy Tree Fragments to search the corpus. 

The digitised speech recordings of the spoken part of the corpus, aligned with the text are also available at additional cost. They allows researchers to play back the original source of the text that they can see on their screen. 

For all queries in regards to this product please contact :-

Sean Wallis, s.wallis@ucl.ac.uk, 020 7679 3119 or ucleseu@ucl.ac.uk.  

Please ensure that you have read the Terms and Conditions of the ICE-GB License


ICE-GB is available with one of three licenses.

  • Individual license / Student license - for personal use
  • Institutional, single-user license - for institutional use, but only at one computer
  • Institutional, multi-user (site) license - for institutional use across an institution

For more information about the terms of each license, see the ICE-GB License link above. Please select the license you would wish to purchase below. You will be asked for additional information when you go to the checkout to make your purchase.

F10 ICE-GB Individual License Upgrade Outside EU


F10 ICE-GB Individual License Upgrade European Union Inc UK.


F10 ICE-GB Institutional License European Union Inc UK (Single-User) Upgrade.


F10 ICE-GB Institutional License Outside EU (Single-User) Upgrade.


F10 ICE-GB Institutional License European Union Inc UK (Multiple-User) Upgrade.


F10 ICE-GB Institutional License Outside EU (Multiple-User) Upgrade.


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