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F67 Changing Minds: Consumer Neuroscience Nov 2025

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Event Information

Changing Minds
Dates of Event
6th November 2025 – 7th November 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
6th November 2025


This 2-day in-person workshop offers a challenging and broad learning experience in consumer neuroscience. Each day, UCL scientists will take you through a mix of talks, discussions, and hands-on demonstrations of the latest research technologies. You will learn how the tools of neuroscience can take your understanding of human behaviour to a new level. A growing number of businesses are realising the business potential of recent discoveries in the functioning of the human brain and mind. You will learn to apply key insights to everyday problems in your organisation in order to set your business ahead of the others.


The course covers:

  • The limitations of traditional marketing research methods
  • How neuroscience can predict market outcomes
  • Debunking neuro-myths
  • How do biases shape our behaviour and what are some of their commercial implications
  • Practical neuromarketing advice
  • How to leverage the “seductive allure of neuroscience”


This course is aimed at people who:

  • Occupy consumer-facing roles
  • Strategists
  • Brand-managers
  • C-suite execs making strategic decisions
  • Anyone designing behaviour-change interventions, including policy makers
  • Market researchers, both agency- and client-side


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Early Bird Rate.£1270.00[Read More]
2) Early Bird Alumni.£1120.00[Read More]
3) Early Bird Former CM Attendee.£1120.00[Read More]
4) Early Bird Group Bookings of 5 Plus.£1120.00[Read More]