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D16 The Professional Surgical First Assistant 15 Credits Bearing Short Course 220925

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Event Information

Professional Surgical First Assistant
Dates of Event
22nd September 2025 – 28th February 2026
Last Booking Date for this Event
1st August 2026


Six-month level 7 postgraduate course on Surgical First Assistant for registered healthcare practitioners working in operating theatres, under the supervision and mentorship of a named consultant surgeon.


This course is designed to help registered healthcare practitioners acquire the necessary skills for the role of a Surgical First Assistant (SFA). As an SFA, you'll provide dedicated assistance to the operating surgeon during procedures, without performing surgical interventions yourself. Our course aligns with professional curricula such as AfPP, PCC, RCSEng, and RCSEd, and follows the AfPP SFA toolkit.


Throughout the course, you will explore the role through various chapters, combining theoretical knowledge with hands-on experience in a surgical setting under the guidance of a consultant surgeon. You will also complete a clinical practice portfolio and a timed online multiple choice questionnaire.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard.£1350.00[Read More]

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