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D65 Practical Use of Multiple Imputation to Handle Missing Data in Stata 2025


Event Information

Dates of Event
28th January 2025 – 29th January 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
27th January 2025


Our aim in this course is to provide participants with the ability to analyse their own data using multiple imputation, but also to be aware of the pitfalls and limitations of the technique.


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) ICTM Staff.£0.00[Read More]
2) LMIC Free Place.£0.00[Read More]
3) Lower Middle Income Countries (LMIC).£185.00[Read More]
4) Academic & Students.£370.00[Read More]
5) External Not For Profit Organisations.£370.00[Read More]
6) External For Profit Organisations.£444.00[Read More]

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