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F66 Becoming a Senior EP: Making Sense of The Role 2025

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Event Information

Dates of Event
7th January 2025 – 1st April 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
12th February 2025


This 8 session online course is intended for (i) Senior EPs (Management or Specialist) and (ii) EPs with 3 years experience who are considering a senior EP role. It is designed to develop and clarify ideas about psychological service management and leadership.


The aims of the course for participants are:

  • To develop confidence in participants that a progression to a SEP role is right for them
  • To develop thinking about the service as a system operating in a dynamic and complex environment
  • To acquire a systemic framework for management and leadership which enhances their management practice
  • To provide opportunities to explore individual challenges and dilemmas arising from their specific contexts in a secure and separate setting
  • To learn from the experience of other participants


The course leader is Dr Roger Booker, Ex staff member of the UCL Educational Psychology Group and developer of the highly successful Leadership Programme for Principal EPs. Roger has been head of services in Surrey and the London Borough of Greenwich, and is an acrredited executive coach.


Online management and leadership training via Zoom has been successfully delivered over the past year with participants from all areas of the UK and internationally. Feedback regarding online presentations and small group work has been consistently positive. Opportunity to participate regardless of location is therefore being maintained with online delivery.


The dates are selected Tuesday evenings in the 2025: Jan 7, 14 & 28, Feb 11 & 25, March 11 & 25, April 1.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard Rate.£450.00[Read More]

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