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Dept of Neuromuscular Diseases (F85)

Dept of Neuromuscular Diseases (F85)

Neuromuscular Disorders

F85 Update in Neuromuscular Disorders 2025


This established paediatric and adult course is in its fifteenth year run by consultants from the UCL Institute of Child Health and the Queen Square Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases, Institute of Neurology, University College London.

This is a 3-day face-to-face clinical course designed for specialists with an interest in neuromuscular diseases on childhood and adult neuromuscular disorders covering a range of disorders.

This event will also be relevant to anyone wishing to update their knowledge of neuromuscular diseases such as neurology trainees, consultants or other clinicians working with neuromuscular patients.


There is a separate registration code for Neuromuscular staff at ICH and the Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases, you will receive the code via Email and this can be entered on registering. There is also a discount for Early Bird bookers.


Attendee CategoryCost   
A) Early Bird Consultant Whole Course.£400.00[Read More]
B) Early Bird Consultant 28th May 2025£160.00[Read More]
C) Early Bird Consultant 29th May 2025£160.00[Read More]
D) Early Bird Consultant 30th May 2025£160.00[Read More]
E) Early Bird Industry Whole Course.£400.00[Read More]
F) Early Bird Industry 28th May 2025£160.00[Read More]
G) Early Bird Industry 29th May 2025£160.00[Read More]
H) Early Bird Industry 30th May 2025£160.00[Read More]
I) Early Bird Trainee (UK) Whole Course.£180.00[Read More]
J) Early Bird Trainee (UK) 28th May 2025£70.00[Read More]
K) Early Bird Trainee (UK) 29th May 2025£70.00[Read More]
L) Early Bird Trainee (UK) 30th May 2025£70.00[Read More]
M) Early Bird Trainee (Non-UK) Whole Course.£300.00[Read More]
N) Early Bird Trainee (Non-UK) 28th May 2025£120.00[Read More]
O) Early Bird Trainee (Non-UK) 29th May 2025£120.00[Read More]
P) Early Bird Trainee (Non-UK) 30th May 2025£120.00[Read More]
Q) Early Bird Allied Health Professionals/Nurses Whole Course.£250.00[Read More]
R) Early Bird Allied Health Professionals/Nurses 28th May 2025£100.00[Read More]
S) Early Bird Allied Health Professionals/Nurses 29th May 2025£100.00[Read More]
T) Early Bird Allied Health Professionals/Nurses 30th May 2025£100.00[Read More]
U) QS/ICH Staff Paed 28/29 May Val Code.£20.00[Read More]
V) QS/ICH Staff Adult 29/30 May Val Code.£20.00[Read More]

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