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F56 International Conference On Functional Materials Chemistry & Engineering (ICFMCE).

Attendee Categories

Event Information

Dates of Event
17th June 2025 – 20th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
17th June 2025


ICFMCE is an international conference dedicated to providing a platform for researchers, scientists, and delegates from diverse fields to exchange and share their experiences and discoveries. It serves as a forum to discuss practical issues and challenges, explore applications, and propose solutions within the shared domain of Functional Materials and Chemical Engineering. The topics and symposiums will include sustainable materials, biomaterials, chemical processing, functional applications, and next-generation materials.

The ICFMCE conference committee will invites researchers from the globe to participate in this significant event, with the aim of enhancing our collective knowledge, fostering innovation, and contributing to the advancement and transformation of joint academic research.

Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Early Bird Students.£300.00

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