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F66 CBC ITP Advanced Module: Influencing Decision-Making & Motivation


Event Information

CBC Online Training Programme: Principles & Practice
Date of Event
1st July 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
1st July 2025


Decision-making and motivation are key drivers of human behaviour. We make decisions all the time, from the everyday (What shall I eat for breakfast?) to the momentous (Shall I take my country to war?). Robert West, a founder of the PRIME Theory of motivation and the COM-B model of behaviour will provide participants with a new framework for understanding decision-making and guide participants step-by-step on a tour of human motivation and how it can be influenced through education, persuasion, reward, punishment, imitation, rules, environmental cues, emotional support and by training habits and self-regulation skills. The module will be interactive and include plenty of time for discussion. It will use real-world examples of decisions, and provide a toolkit for analysing these and wider motivations with a view to influencing them.Facilitator: Professor Robert West

The session will run from 10am to 4pm with 30 minutes for lunch and a 15-minute break in the morning and afternoon.

Places are limited with the course capped at 24 participants and require a minimum number of 10 participants.

Daily session timings are from 10am GMT +1. For more information on the Advanced Modules, see here


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Early Bird Low Middle Income Countries, Univerity, 3rd & Public Sector.£200.00[Read More]
2) Early Bird Universities, 3rd Sectors, Small Enterprises & Start- Ups (1-49).£320.00[Read More]
3) Early Bird Public Sector & Medium Enterprises (50-249).£400.00[Read More]
4) Early Bird Large Enterprises (250+).£640.00[Read More]

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