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F82 The 12th Annual Upper Limb Neurorehabilitation Course

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Event Information

12th Annual Upper Limb
Dates of Event
19th June 2025 – 20th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
18th June 2025


UCL Centre for Neurorehabilitation and the National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery present:  

The 12th Annual Upper Limb Neurorehabilitation Course

Treating patients with upper limb deficit: Integrating research into practice 

Thursday 19th & Friday 20th June 2025.


This two-day course provides an up-to-date overview of current research in treatment and rehabilitation options for the neurological patient with upper limb deficit. The course looks at the practical, real-life translation of scientific evidence into clinical practice and discusses the ingredients that make an upper limb therapy effective. Delegates will have the opportunity to trial novel devices and robotic technology.


Enquiries to: cnr@ucl.ac.uk 

Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Standard Rate.£260.00[Read More]
2) Student Rate.£100.00[Read More]
3) NHS Lothian Payment 1.£250.00[Read More]
4) NHS Lothian Payment 2.£10.00[Read More]

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