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F61 Workshop “R for Health Technology Assessment” 2025

Attendee Categories

Event Information

Dates of Event
6th June 2025 – 10th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
10th June 2025


We are excited to announce the R for Health Technology Assessment (HTA) workshop that will be held on Friday 6th June, Monday 9th & Tuesday 10th June 2025.


Friday 6th June will be an in-person day-long, hybrid event hosted at Queen's University Belfast (QUB), Ireland, while the other days will be online only. Our programme will be announced in April. The overall goal is to present interesting and enlightening presentations on the use of R that will engage an audience of those working in the field of health technology assessment and related analysis. Sessions may cover some or all of the following:


    New methods and applications for economic modelling using R

    Efficient modelling for economic evaluation using dedicated R packages

    Improving modelling for HTA using R – Lessons from industry & academia

    Teaching economic evaluation and HTA using R


Attendee CategoryCost   
2) Low-Middle Income Country & Students Online Only.£10.00

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