J96 Arts Health Research Intensive 2025Info Location Attendee Categories Contact More Info Event Information![]()
DescriptionThe Arts Health Research Intensive is a week-long course to develop knowledge, skills and contacts in arts and health research run by the Social Biobehavioural Research Group at UCL in partnership with the University of Florida Centre for Arts in Medicine & Jameel Arts & Health Lab. It provides a rich introduction to the evidence base around arts in health and fundamentals of evaluation and research. In this course, attendees will:
This course is suitable for anyone with a background or interest in the arts, healthcare, community health or social care, and research, who wishes to learn more about the field and meet others who share their interests.
Scholarships are available. The application process is outlined on our website. Scholarship applications close on 17 November 2024.
All bookings are non-refundable. The price includes course fees, materials, daily lunches (Monday – Friday), tea and coffee. Participants are responsible for organising and funding travel, accommodation and other sustenance.
Please note that the Early Bird price points will only be available until the 30th November 2024.
Please see the More Info Tab for further information. https://sbbresearch.org/arts-health-research-intensive/
Event Location![]()
Attendee Categories1) JAHL Professional.
Additional ItemsContactFor all queries in regards to this Course please contact the following :- Nikita Arslanovski
PLEASE ONLY CONTACT THE ONLINE STORE DIRECTLY IF YOU ARE EXPERIENCING PROBLEMS WITH YOUR DEBIT/CREDIT CARD PAYMENT, FOR ALL OTHER QUERIES RELATING TO THIS COURSE, INCLUDING CANCELLATIONS THESE SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE CONTACT DETAILS ABOVE. More InformationPlease only book a place if you have applied via the form on the Social Biobehavioural Research Group’s website and have been notified that your application has been successful. Once you have booked the course via this website we will be in touch to provide more information, including some accommodation options. |