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F22 Multisensory Experimental Filmmaking (Online)

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Course Information

Multisensory Experimental Filmmaking (Online)

An online, practice-based course exploring the theories and applications of visual and public anthropology in the context of experimental multisensory storytelling.

Course Code


Course Leader

Dr Alda Terracciano
Course Description

Week 1. The Multisensory field of perception (29th April 2025)

This week we explore multi-sensory engagements with the environment and how different areas of anthropological studies engage with and explore sensory perception.  We will also discuss the expansion of the concept of ‘scenography’ beyond more traditional theatrical and film settings for the purpose of experimental multisensory storytelling.


Week 2. Experimental filmmaking and sensory representations (6th May 2025)

This week we look at how experimental filmmakers and visual artists engage with the multi-sensory world by looking at some case studies including sensory (visual but also sound), digital-virtual, interactive visual art (installations), and performance art and the technologies employed.


Week 3. The multisensory urban space, cross cultural identities, and migration (13th May 2025)

This week we explore the intersection of questions of identity, migration, and the diverse cultural heritage of contemporary urban spaces and the role they have played in expanding the boundaries of ethnographic visual research towards multi-sensory dimensions of socially engaged artistic practices and documentary filmmaking.


Week 4. Participatory research and the everyday life (20th May 2025)

This week we explore how participatory research methods and new critical perspectives of representation, digital technology, and activist engagement are reframing the field of ethnographic filmmaking, including the use of multisensory and experimental visual arts. Students will be asked to devise strategies of investigations, including oral history interviews, liaising with community or activist groups, schools, old people homes, and anyone else who might be relevant to explore everyday life through multisensory lenses.



Week 5. Independent research (27th May 2025)

During the week students will work independently to gain primary knowledge and documentation on a topic of their choice connected with case studies discussed in the previous weeks, including the technology involved, such as multisensory devises, locative media and digital art. They will be invited to consider experimental documentary filmmaking as a domain of anthropological inquiry, exploring ways of creating stories in culturally, socially, and historically specific contexts as well as other sensory ways of engaging with the environment. Students will be supported through one-on-one tutorials.


Week 6. Project sharing and peer discussion (3rd June 2025)

Presentation of individual or group projects (including short films, assemblages, performance photographs, multimedia installations) for groups sharing and peer discussion. The discussion will focus on students’ individual projects and their relation to experimental documentary as a domain of anthropological inquiry, discussing ways of creating stories in culturally, socially, and historically specific contexts as well as other sensory ways of engaging with the environment.


This online course takes place across 6 Tuesday evenings (7pm to 9pm) from 29th April -3rd June.


Course Costs:

For each course, we offer three rates: General, Students/Concessions, and UCL Students. 

For a full breakdown of our costs/concessions, please reach our Terms and Conditions:



StartEndCourse Fee 

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