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D07 The Hot Brain 3 - Climate Change & Brain Health

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Event Information

The Hot Brain
Date of Event
20th May 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
19th May 2025


Climate change continues to worsen: 2024 has been declared the hottest year on record. People with neurological disease are likely to be amongst those affected first and most severely. The incidence of some neurological diseases is likely to rise, whilst healthcare systems will become increasingly compromised in providing care for people affected. Newer aspects of climate change impacts are emerging, and raising new concerns. Climate change is already impacting the professional lives of healthcare providers and scientists. Even if greenhouse gas emissions are stopped today, there will still be further rises in global temperatures, with all their accompanying consequences. We need to act now to preserve brain health and plan for this changing environment.

Following on from successful meetings in 2023 and 2024, the aims of this year’s meeting are to raise awareness about the risks of climate change for the brain and neurological healthcare, to nurture global collaborative research, and to promote action against climate change and foster adaptation strategies.

The meeting is jointly organised by UCL and The Lancet Neurology.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Free Event.£0.00

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