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C02 Executive Education: AI for Lawyers: Technological Understanding for Compliance & Litigation


Event Information

AI for Lawyers
Dates of Event
16th June 2025 – 19th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
30th May 2025


AI is weaving its way into decision-making and organisational processes across sectors and legal domains. To advise on compliance and to litigate around AI and machine learning, legal professionals need the foundational technical knowledge to ask the right questions and translate the answers to uncertain and emerging legal regimes.

This 16-hour course offers a practical, legally-focused primer in the technologies around AI, cutting deep into the relevant details, drawing on bleeding-edge research and slicing through noise, ideology and hype. We will use law to illuminate the technology and technology to illuminate the law, considering areas including data protection, emerging AI legislation, copyright and platform regulation. We will identify uncertainties in both law and technology, characterise them and show you how to bridge and work with them.

This 16-hour course is taught over 4 morning sessions from 16 - 19 June.

See the course website for full information about the learning outcomes:

Early booking rates available until 28 February 2025

Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Standard.£2950.00[Read More]
2) Alumni.£2500.00[Read More]
3) Students.£1950.00[Read More]
4) Public Sector/Charity/NGO£1950.00[Read More]

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