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F61 Practical Statistics for Medical Research 2025

Attendee Categories

Event Information

Online Courses
Dates of Event
17th June 2025 – 20th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
30th May 2025


Medical statistics plays an essential role in all stages of a quantitative health care research project from design through to analysis and interpretation. This intensive course covers the essential principles and methods required. Emphasis is on study design, appropriate analysis, and interpretation of results. The underlying concepts of statistical analysis as well as basic and some more advanced analysis techniques are covered. Sessions include lectures and practical work, both computer based (using Stata) and using small workshops for discussion. The course has been running for more than 30 years and has earned an international reputation.


Please note that the Early Bird Rates are only available until the 2nd May 2025.


Attendee CategoryCost   
3) Special Rate UCL Awards Only.£200.00

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