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D65 Stats & Practical Aspects of the Design/Analysis of Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Platform Trials 2025

Attendee Categories

Event Information

Clinical Trials of Methodology
Date of Event
11th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
10th June 2025


Statistical & Practical Aspects of the Design/Analysis of Multi-Arm Multi-Stage Platform Trials.


This half-day workshop consists of two main sessions. The first session of the workshop provides an overview of the design issues involved in MAMS platform protocols. The second session focuses on the implementation of the statistical aspects of such trials and provides guidelines on the design and analysis of such trials. It will also explore further design issues such as adding new research arms, and designs in which research arms are ranked and selectively chosen to continue.


Please note that this course is Online via Zoom.


Attendee CategoryCost   
3) UCL Staff, Students, Alumni.£214.00

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