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F82 UCL Centre for Neurorehabilitation Better Tech For Better Cognition

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Event Information

UCL Centre for Neurorehabilitation
Date of Event
9th May 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
8th May 2025


Better Tech for Better Cognition 

Friday 9th May 2025

UCL Centre for Neurorehabilitation (CNR) are organising a one-day symposium on Better Tech for Better Cognition.

The aim of the day is to provide a comprehensive review of diagnostic, therapeutic and aid-based apps aimed at improving cognition in people with brain injury.

Our speakers will cover: app co-design, evidence for specific apps’ efficacy, sustainability, spin-out, regulatory issues and more.


Confirmed speakers can be found under the More Info tab.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Non UCL Student Rate.£50.00[Read More]
Standard Rate.£100.00[Read More]

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