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C02 Executive Education: Competition Law Public Policy & Technology: A Complexity Perspective

Attendee Categories

Event Information

Competition Law Global Markets
Dates of Event
16th June 2025 – 19th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
30th May 2025


This 16-hour course will introduce the intricacies of competition law enforcement in a complex economy. It will introduce the major public policy issues that competition authorities around the world have grappled with, and these will be examined through several case studies. This course does not detail recent developments in the law; rather the aim is to ensure a more pluralist perspective on competition law enforcement, by exposing participants’ to different perspectives and therefore enabling them to develop a critical understanding of the broader socio-economic context of competition law enforcement.

This 16-hour course is taught over four afternoon sessions from 16 - 19 June 2025. 

To read more about the learning outcomes for this course go to: 

Early booking rates available until 28 February 2025

Attendee CategoryCost   
4) Public Sector/Charity/NGO£1595.00

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