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G19 Research Methods for Multilevel Data

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Event Information

Homeless and Inclusion
Dates of Event
19th March 2025 – 21st March 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
17th March 2025


This course is for anyone needing to analyse multilevel data. When your data are structured in nested groups (like students within classrooms, patients within hospitals, or individuals within regions), and you want to understand how factors at both levels influence the outcome variable, appropriate statistical techniques that account for this hierarchical structure should be used. The aim of the course is to provide an introduction to the analysis of multilevel data and to the selection of appropriate multilevel models based on your research questions, including whether to allow intercepts or slopes to vary across groups (random effects vs. fixed effects). Practical examples of how to successfully fit multilevel models and interpret results will be presented, using the statistical package Stata.

There will be 6 sessions taught via Zoom. Every day, a theoretical lecture will be followed by a computer practical session (Stata) for attendees to see how to perform statistical analyses and interpret and evaluate the results. All material (including slides, datasets, .do files, and solutions) will be available to attendees prior to the start of the course.


Attendee CategoryCost   
Full Rate.£200.00[Read More]
Students Rate.£100.00[Read More]

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