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F47 MBI: Chromatography (Hands-on Course) 2025

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Event Information

Dates of Event
20th May 2025 – 22nd May 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
16th May 2025


This course provides delegates with an introduction to the basic principles of protein chromatography and the practical experience of operating an AKTA system.


During the course delegates will be able to understand the performance of the AKTA, write and run scripts on the AKTA and be able to run a chromatographic separation according to a standard operating procedure (SOP). They would be able to extract, analyse and interpret data from the AKTA as well as learning to optimise chromatography process parameters for a typical monoclonal antibody (mAb) separation.


Hands-on sessions will be supplemented with introductory lectures and trouble-shooting sessions. Industrial speakers will share their experience of Chromatography technologies and their industrial application.

Attendee CategoryCost   
Standard.£1950.00[Read More]

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