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F48 Expresssive 2025


Event Information

Dates of Event
12th May 2025 – 15th May 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
14th May 2025


The Eurographics Annual Conference is one of the most highly anticipated events in the field of computer graphics and it is set to captivate researchers, professionals, and enthusiasts alike. With its rich history of showcasing cutting-edge advancements and fostering collaboration, Eurographics continues to be at the forefront of driving innovation in computer graphics and interactive techniques.


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Early Bird Student Member.£110.00[Read More]
2) Early Bird Student Non-member.£150.00[Read More]
3) Early Bird Non-student Member.£190.00[Read More]
4) Early Bird Non-student Non-member.£230.00[Read More]
5) Early Bird Big Buddy Member.£365.00[Read More]
6) Early Bird Big Buddy Non-Member.£110.00[Read More]

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