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H01 Navigating Cancer Clinical Trials: Essential Knowledge for Statisticians

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Event Information

UCL Medical School
Dates of Event
3rd June 2025 – 4th June 2025
Last Booking Date for this Event
19th May 2025


This training course aims to provide participants with an introduction to the biology, diagnosis, staging, and treatment of cancer, with a focus on how these factors influence the key outcome measures in cancer clinical trials, such as adverse events, treatment response, survival rates, and other time-to-event endpoints. 


The course will provide delegates an excellent opportunity to network with statisticians from other UKCRC registered clinical trial units.


Attendee CategoryCost   
1) Attendees From Units Within The ICTM.£0.00[Read More]
2) Attendees From Non-profit Organisations.£200.00[Read More]
3) Attendees From For-Profit Organisations.£350.00[Read More]

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